Community Theater für Impro in Zürich

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Gschichtäteppich, GamesGamesGames

Theater Ida Aargauerstrasse 80,Zürich

Mit Hilfe des Publikums kreiert ImAnsatzParat drei Geschichtenstränge. Diese werden verwoben, durcheinander und nebeneinader weitergezogen, bis sie schlussendlich ein kunstvoll geknüpfter Geschichtenteppich sind. In der zweiten Hälfte werden die Impro-Games-Wünsche der Ensemblemitglieder spontan erfüllt. Spielfreude, Aufgaben und Herausforderungen warten darauf erfolgreich oder mit freudvollem Scheitern zu Ende geführt zu werden. Türöffnung 19:00, beginn 19:30. Eintritt […]

Ida Improv Artists – Welcome Jam & Writing a New World

Theater Ida Aargauerstrasse 80,Zürich

WELCOME JAM A space to play, a space to explore and a space for shared experiences – that’s the goal of this jam. In this jam, Laura and Dan will divide the players up into groups randomly and we’ll share the stage together. It’s open to all levels of experience. You can come to play […]

CHF10 - CHF20

Ida Improv Artists – Show with guests & Writing a New World

Theater Ida Aargauerstrasse 80,Zürich

AN IMPROVISED SHOW WITH GUESTS & FRIENDS Experience an unforgettable evening at Theater Ida. Laura Doorneweerd-Perry and Dan Seyfried will engage you with a variety of improv scenes, all inspired by your suggestions. Each of them will be a unique blend of spontaneous theater, fun and emotions. Adding to the excitement, some local improvisers will […]

CHF10 - CHF20

Ida Improv Artists – Student showcase & Writing a New World

Theater Ida Aargauerstrasse 80,Zürich

STUDENT SHOWCASE The participants of the weekend workshop improvise and experiment together with what they have learned over the weekend. Together, on stage, they try out many new things in a creative play and hopefully have a lot of laughter. WRITING A NEW WORLD Have you always wanted a short story written for you? In […]

CHF10 - CHF20

Ida Improv Artists – Panel Discussion & a Medieval Tale

Theater Ida Aargauerstrasse 80,Zürich

PANEL DISCUSSION: OVERCOMING CHALLENGES Theater Ida, Laura Doorneweerd-Perry and Dan Seyfried invite you for a panel discussion about the following topic: “How can we overcome challenges we encounter in improv, both on stage and off stage?” What keeps being difficult in your improv? How to deal with certain on-stage, or off-stage behaviors? In what way […]

CHF10 - CHF20

Ida Improv Artists – The Confession Room & a Medieval Tale

Theater Ida Aargauerstrasse 80,Zürich

THE CONFESSION ROOM Would you like to know one of my secrets? Or hear what embarrassing thing your neighbor did? In this improvised show, the audience will anonymously share secrets and confessions to inspire the scenes on stage. A show with juicy stories, beautiful secrets, painful confessions, astounding reveals, embarrassing moments and a whole lot […]

CHF10 - CHF20

Ida Improv Artists – Surprise show & a Medieval Tale

Theater Ida Aargauerstrasse 80,Zürich

SURPRISE SHOW In improv, we never really know what’s going to happen. This night, even less! Dan Seyfried and Laura Doorneweerd-Perry love to be inspired, think, create, and be challenged! That’s what we're going to do for this show. We’ll think of it during the week, being inspired by everything that happens and the discussions […]

CHF10 - CHF20

Ida Improv Artists – Student show & a Medieval Tale

Theater Ida Aargauerstrasse 80,Zürich

STUDENT SHOWCASE The participants of the weekend workshop improvise and experiment together with what they have learned over the weekend. Together, on stage, they try out many new things in a creative play and hopefully have a lot of laughter. ONE AND ALL: A MEDIEVAL TALE Long, long ago, in a land, far, far away […]

CHF10 - CHF20

FEAR – The English Improv Horror Show

Theater Ida Aargauerstrasse 80,Zürich

On special request Da vorne links brings their improvised horrorshow to you in English! Improv and horror? Of course! What gets under your skin more than a gruesome foreboding without knowing what exactly is going to happen? In the first half we visit an inconspicuously creepy place, in the second half we play with your […]

Moitié – Moitié: Die Doppelimproshow von und mit da vorne links

Theater Ida Aargauerstrasse 80,Zürich

Die Mischung macht's! An diesem Abend teilt sich da vorne links im Rahmen der Showreihe Moitié-Moitié die Bühne mit Gästen. da vorne links spielt Verlinkt. In der brandneuen Show folgen wir Charakteren, Räumen, Themen, Objekten und Details von gross bis klein – wo immer uns unsere improvisierte Geschichte hinführt. Entdecke mit uns unerwartete Verbindungen, Twists, […]

Schmutzlis Feierabend: Improshow mit da vorne links

Theater Ida Aargauerstrasse 80,Zürich

Das Kult-Format ist zurück: Fünf Jahre ist es schon her, seit die fünf Schmutzlis zum letzten Mal einen Blick hinter die Kulissen der Arbeit von Samichlauses Sidekick geboten haben. Nun schon zum vierten Mal treffen sich unsere Schmutzlis nach vollendeter Jahresarbeit zu einem wohlverdienten Feierabendglühwein. Kommt, trinkt mit und seht was die fünf Schmutzlis alles […]